Tools for Creation

Evolutions of Style

There are so many ways in which an artists style can change over the course of their lives or careers. I know that for myself personally, I have definitely seen a clear change in my art work even since I have been in college, and it has only been about one year.

When I first began as an artist, basically as a young child, everything had to be very organized and neat. Nothing could be drawn out of the lines, so to speak. From a young age I was very much considered a perfectionist, and I guess that it was only accurate that my art would imitate this. After having lots of difficulties in high school with my mental health and everything and then starting college, I have noticed that when I tend to draw or create in general now, it is more chaotic and generally looser, because I am learning that art, in and of itself, is basically non-definable.

The evolution of art styles can actually be clearly seen throughout the course of history, and in fact, we can still see it in artists today. The main theme that I always seem to encounter is that artists are just trying to push the boundaries of what defines a piece of artwork. Why does a painting strictly have to be detailed portraits of old monarchs? Why can’t a painting be nothing more than a white canvas? These are the kinds of evolutions that art as a whole has seen over the course of several decades.

Let’s say that you have only just discovered your love for the arts, who’s to say that everything you learn from here forward might change your style bit by bit until it looks nothing like what you started with. I know that before I properly learned how to draw with pencils and charcoal, my style was drastically different from what it is now. Before learning these things, I was unsure of how to approach something with lots of shading or details in general. Now, I try not to shy away from detail, even though I still might mess it up, it is not nearly as daunting. See, simple things like learning a new skill could change your style for the better!

What are some of the things that you have noticed that has hanged the way that you create? Is the outcome now more of what you enjoy? Let me know in the comments!

Chloe Comeaux

Hello! I am just a college student trying to share her passions with anyone willing to listen!

